Recommendation - Endorsed by Task Force, Principals
Approve the amended Reopening Plan for the last six weeks of school starting approximately on April 15, 2021. The plan requires eligible staff to meet with at least one stable cohort for 90 minutes at least one time per week.
Decision by the Board of Trustees:
Except for the language making it mandatory for staff to return to in-person instruction for 90 minutes at least one time per week, the Board of Trustees approved the reopening plan effective April 15, 2021.
Collaborating with ESTA and CSEA, these are the next steps that will be taken:
Administration will identify and confirm the number of students that are interested in returning to in-person instruction for the last six weeks of school.
Prioritize vulnerable student populations (students with disabilities, students with 504 plans, English Learners, Foster Youth and homeless students).
Prioritize disengaged students.
Administration will identify and confirm the staff that will volunteer to participate in reopening schools on April 15, 2021.
Match students with volunteers.
Identify any possible gaps in which we may need mandatory direction/action by the Board.