Community of East Side Union High School District,
Since the 2020-2021 school year, the Board of Trustees has approved salary increases of 25.75% (when compounded) for all three Associate Superintendents, raising the low-end salary from $184,193 to $231,505 and the high-end salary from $217,497 to $273,351.
On November 17th, 2022, the Board of Trustees approved a salary increase of over 15% for the District Superintendent, raising the low-end salary from $279,880 to $322,440 and the high-end salary from $299,067 to $344,607.
The California Governor makes $234,101.
California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction makes $203,000.
A first-year teacher in ESUHSD makes around $71,000 (depending on postgrad units) and a top earning teacher, one who has taught in the district for a minimum of 32 years and has earned 60 or more postgraduate semester units, makes $141,638.
Members of the East Side Union High School District, the educators of East Side Teachers Association have been quiet long enough. You deserve to know that your district is being mismanaged.
In this era of declining enrollment, where the district is losing hundreds of students a year, the Superintendents have not only padded their pockets, they are and have been mismanaging the district both financially and in policy, adding dozens of non-classroom positions (such as 11 additional administrators at each comprehensive site) while simultaneously decreasing student responsibility, increasing the demands on teachers, and all the while crying that the district is going broke. This mismanagement is obviously bad for students and makes it difficult for the district to retain its teachers and attract the best available teachers.
The good news is that there are some sane members on the Board. Please help us convince the others that enough is enough. It’s time for a change. But this change will only happen with your help.
Please email the Board and Superintendents and/or come to the April 18th board meeting and help return the East Side Union High School District to one that we all can be proud of.
Board of Trustees
Pattie Cortese (Board President),
Bryan Do (Board Vice President),
Manuel Herrera,
Van Le,
Lorena Chavez,
Glenn Vander Zee (Superintendent)
Theresa Marquez (Ass. Superintendent)
Tom Huynh (Ass. Superintendent)
Michele Huntoon (Ass. Superintendent)