Just a reminder that the county school mask mandate will become a mask recommendation on Monday. To steal a few words from our Superintendent: Each of us has our own story and reality in making the decision to mask or not. I ask that we continue to respect each person’s choice without shame, comment or judgment. Please help keep our campuses a safe place for all staff and students.
New Indoor Masking Policy: Expectations (from Tom Huynh, Associate Superintendent, Human Resources)
As mentioned in the Superintendent’s communication last night, beginning March 12th, East Side Union will follow the state and county regulations in regards to indoor masking for K-12 institutions. Mask wearing will be highly recommended but it is not mandatory and entirely up to the individual student/employee/visitors. With this guidance in place, administrators, teachers and all other staff members cannot coerce, question or compel any student/employee/visitors to wear a mask. Staff to staff interactions and meetings should not be altered, or attendance discouraged due to the new masking regulations. Teachers and administrators cannot impose any restrictions or mechanisms aimed at incentivizing or penalizing students/employees/visitors in an attempt to influence those individual’s personal choice regarding mask wearing. We will continue to provide every classroom and office space with surgical and KN95 masks and other forms of PPE. Please see your administrator if you need additional quantities.
If you have any questions please contact the COVID19line@esuhsd.org.