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Updates on District Closure

I hope all of you and your families are attempting to be safe and healthy.

I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding. There are a lot of questions and concerns coming from all angles. Please remember that this in uncharted territory for all of us. In my 25 years as an educator, There has never been anything like what we are experiencing right now.

Our district management does not have all of the answers. They are attempting to navigate the same uncharted waters as we are. They are working with County Health and County Ed to figure out what we are doing going forward. As you might have seen in your school emails, there are training sessions for online learning this week. This is to help prepare us in the event that schools are closed for the remainder of the school year. These are not mandatory. However, if schools were to be closed for the remainder of the school year, I sure would want a head start on how to run a class online.

If we need to go to online learning for the rest of the school year, please do not panic. We are all educators. We have had many challenges that we were able to work through before. Your assessment of students and their work would not be the same. But we would need to figure out a way to do this the best that we possibly can. We are all here to support one another regardless as to what happens next. We are also meeting with district management tomorrow to discuss negotiating this online learning issue should it be necessary.

First and foremost, stay healthy and be safe. We will provide updates as we get them.

- Jack Hamner, ESTA President

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