The school board voted to rescind all layoffs. To secure this vote, ESTA entered into an agreement that has no effect on our contract or finances. In exchange for the layoffs to be rescinded, ESTA agreed to have the Executive board members attend a training by The Vanto Group Management Firm. The Vanto Group attempts to get their attendees to move from predictable results to producing desirable results. I believe that this training will also be attended by district management, administrators, classified employees as well as ESTA leadership. As a side note, Chris Funk, CSEA leadership, and several board members have previously attended this training two years ago.
I want to thank all of you for your support during this trying time. Thank all of you who wrote emails to the board members, came to board meetings, spoke at the board meetings etc.. Also, thank you all who had faith in the process and staying strong until the very end.
- Jack Hamner, ESTA President